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I'm About to Get Super Real....

My readers have voted that my next blog post should be about how to deal with change, and that is coming I promise, but all I can think about when I sit down to write is this photo.   It breaks my heart. I’m so tired of seeing this.  I promised you I would never be political and I promise that this won’t be about politics.  This is a real problem and I’m not going to pretend I know the solution. I do feel pretty strongly that, like most major debates of this nature, the answer is someplace in the middle.  I am also pretty sure that no one action or law or policy or service is all that is needed. It’s likely a combination of all of the above.  After 9/11, I had no idea how to explain mass tragedy to my 4 year old daughter. I just worried for her future generation. Now she is 21 and I still don’t know how to answer the question of why these things happen or how to make it better or how to explain it to her.   There are evils in...

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