I'm Not a Morning Person - But Here I Am...
There is a scene in the movie Sister Act 2 (face it - the only Sister Act worth watching) where Whoopi Goldberg gives Lauryn Hill a book called Letters to a Young Poet and tells her that "...if, when you wake up in the mornin', you can think of nothing but writing...then you're a writer...if you wake up in the mornin' and you can't think of anything but singin' first... then you're supposed to be a singer..."
The first thing I think about when I wake up is throwing something at my alarm clock and going back to sleep. And the second thing I think about is coffee. Writing is pretty far down the list of morning thoughts. So is singing.
In fact, I'm pretty sure I don't even have comprehensive thoughts before 11 a.m. I'm like a cave-woman on autopilot most days.
Must. Have. Coffee. Must. Do. Eyeliner. Must. Drive. Car. Must. Work.
I'm not a morning person. I'm not even going to pretend to be. Most days, as soon as I am able to process thoughts, I pretty much start counting the hours until it is socially acceptable to go back to sleep.
If the first thing I think about is going back to sleep - how do I parlay that into finding my inner purpose? Am I meant to be a "sleeper"? A "coffee drinker"? A "heavily caffeinated robot"?
This is a rut. Something is missing. I have an inner purpose. I have a mark I am supposed to make in this world. Every once in a while, I think I catch a glimpse of what that is supposed to be. And as soon as it glimmers, it fades.
I recently put it out there on social media as an experiment.
Inspired by a podcast I am listening to....
The first thing I think about when I wake up is throwing something at my alarm clock and going back to sleep. And the second thing I think about is coffee. Writing is pretty far down the list of morning thoughts. So is singing.
In fact, I'm pretty sure I don't even have comprehensive thoughts before 11 a.m. I'm like a cave-woman on autopilot most days.
Must. Have. Coffee. Must. Do. Eyeliner. Must. Drive. Car. Must. Work.
I'm not a morning person. I'm not even going to pretend to be. Most days, as soon as I am able to process thoughts, I pretty much start counting the hours until it is socially acceptable to go back to sleep.
If the first thing I think about is going back to sleep - how do I parlay that into finding my inner purpose? Am I meant to be a "sleeper"? A "coffee drinker"? A "heavily caffeinated robot"?
This is a rut. Something is missing. I have an inner purpose. I have a mark I am supposed to make in this world. Every once in a while, I think I catch a glimpse of what that is supposed to be. And as soon as it glimmers, it fades.
I recently put it out there on social media as an experiment.
Inspired by a podcast I am listening to....
What is my purpose? What am I good at?
Feel free to contribute......
The responses? I am a good friend, a good listener, a giver of great advice and different perspectives, funny, understanding, an awesome mom, genuinely caring, a pain in someone's ass (that's my bff) and probably good at trivia.
I was a bit grumpy that day - so my first thought when processing this list was "Great. All the things I hate about myself because it's what makes me a doormat."
Mornings come around every day. They can't be stopped. They say that the only things in life that are completely certain is death and taxes. Well, mornings are pretty reliable too.
Every day, that sun comes peeking around the planet - you may not see it - it may be behind the clouds - but it's there. Doing it's thing. Signalling that another morning is upon us. Rise and shine. Face the day. Make the coffee.
The good thing about mornings, is that with each one comes a fresh start. A semi-clean slate. A turned page. A new chapter. An opportunity.
I took a look at the list again a few days later. Fresh perspective. Clear head. And I thought to myself something completely different.
"I want to find my purpose. There is a hole that must be filled in my heart. There is something I am supposed to do. These are some of my closest and dearest friends. So what do I do with this information?"
I'm not a morning person. But here I am.
Mornings come around every day. They can't be stopped. They say that the only things in life that are completely certain is death and taxes. Well, mornings are pretty reliable too.
Every day, that sun comes peeking around the planet - you may not see it - it may be behind the clouds - but it's there. Doing it's thing. Signalling that another morning is upon us. Rise and shine. Face the day. Make the coffee.
The good thing about mornings, is that with each one comes a fresh start. A semi-clean slate. A turned page. A new chapter. An opportunity.
I took a look at the list again a few days later. Fresh perspective. Clear head. And I thought to myself something completely different.
"I want to find my purpose. There is a hole that must be filled in my heart. There is something I am supposed to do. These are some of my closest and dearest friends. So what do I do with this information?"
I'm not a morning person. But here I am.
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